Selecting colors is often the most uncertain part of an exterior repaint. We’ve learned that architects and designers don’t just conjure or decide at random the colors they choose for multi-family exterior painting. There are four considerable factors that have to be taken into account: the architecture and structure of the building, the surrounding buildings’ character, the history and culture of the surrounding region the building is in, and of course the potential buyers and consequential residents. If the correct color palette is chosen, this can help to keep residents living or working in the buildings for longer, drive potential tenants to find your leasing office, meaning you can worry less about filling those vacant spaces. And of course, the nail on the head, it can ultimately increase property value, ensuring that you make a return on your investment.
So, we guess you are asking, how do you make sure that you are choosing the correct and the most affordable paint color palettes?
The Building
Quite often, multi-family residences are extensive in size, this can be overwhelming when first trying to decide on the colors that would work best with the size and style of such complexes. If chosen correctly, the color palettes will create a balanced visual relief to those who view it. This means that buildings that appear large and intimidating, can instead, with the right colors, be visually scaled down, with important elements enhanced to capture the eye. And try not to use just one color to cover the entire exterior. Using the correct color palettes will help to break down the volume of the building, I mean we are sure the last thing anyone wants to see is just one massively dull brown or beige building.
So let’s break it down for your multi-family exterior paint job. First we need to examine the existing building’s size and its materials and decorative elements that are currently existing, or are to be used. For example, is there any brickwork? If so, it is important to note that elements such as this are fixed which means that a color palette will need to work around this. Next, let’s take a look at those features you’re so proud of. From a fantastic and featured entrance to a simple but beautiful bracket, there are multiple ways in which quality painting can help these stand out.
The Neighborhood
Before you start to finalize your color palette choice for your multi-family exterior painting, it is a fundamental step that you make sure that your residences somewhat match that of your neighborhood’s architectural style. Otherwise your buildings are going to stand out, and not for the right reason either! With that said, your multi-family residences don’t necessarily need to blend in so much that they go completely unnoticed. Think of it as a balancing scale, we need to ensure that you are developing eye-catching, yet harmonizing residences. The color might be all it takes to ensure that your multi-family residences are complementary yet unique.
The Region
AQP ensures that your multi-family exterior’s quality painting harmonises with your region’s color preferences. Believe it or not, this is actually rather important! Despite earth tones being popular worldwide, because of the natural and neutral tones matching that of the stone and timber, there can be unique popular exceptions. Take Sighișoara în Romania for instance, it is renowned for its bright and colorful facades. The same goes for Charleston in South Carolina. Closer to home, we can see that the Midwest tends to turn to those traditional neutral and earth tones, whereas the Southwest comes alive with bright tones again. There is usually a reason behind the region’s color preferences, and often it can be found almost insulting to turn against these colors, or even disrespectful. We at AQP, ensure that you don’t fall into these traps!
The Residents
And of course, there’s the residents! We can’t forget about them. Who are your targeted clients? Is it families with young children? Students? Retirees? Professional adults? Whomever it is, it is their eye you are trying to catch.
Often, using colors that are personal to your clients can be very appealing. I mean, if we use the above example and we know they are from the Southwest, we are hardly going to try and sell them on a house that resembles that of a gothic dark statement, are we? Instead, we would recommend that you would use lighter, brighter colors to reflect what they are comfortable with, hoping to make them feel right at home with their new residence.
Another great help is that of the community’s input, which can greatly act as a guiding hand in choosing those beautiful reflective color. With only one chance to make sure that your residences are eye-catching and impressive, make sure that you do it right! Especially with social media these days, it has never been so important to make sure that you are creating the perfect exterior to make any resident proud.
Getting Started
AQP’s Multi-Family Color Palettes can provide a range of affordable paint colors that will have you satisfied every time. We provide building designers, managers and owners that collectively will inspire and guide your color choices. Whether your residences are aimed to be that reflecting the modern vibrant blues of the Southeast, or reflecting West’s darker colors, AQP will expertly lead you into the right choices.
Call us at 407-467-5416 or send an e-mail to